Trisha and Nayantara are the new sensational 'booze queens', if they maybe addressed so! They truly deserve this rare accolade, for their outlandish achievements over the past couple of days. Not much time has elapsed since we heard the shocking news that our coy and beautiful South Indian heroines have their say when it comes to savouring the liquor of their choice. They who, epitomize the ideal heroines on screen rocked our innocent dreams. Many were forced to wake up from their sweet dreams and even chide themselves for having worshipped them as their ideals and idols. If our dreams were shattered then how do we reckon with the thought that our dainty damsels wrecked havoc, fighting between themselves outdoing cats and dogs.
Trisha is infamous for her inability to keep check of the pegs she gulps in. Well that is solely her personal affair, even if she be our chosen star. Privacy is to be respected. But how do we digest with the fact that the lady in question, our Trisha was slapped in public. It so happened that during one of her night outs to a club, she was completely overpowered by the vodka shots she gulped in a go. The demon in her woke up and she hurled a torrent of abuses sparing neither the staff nor the guests. Even many big shots from the Tamil and Telugu film fraternity were hardly spared. However the real drama ensued when she accidently overstepped a woman and received a sound slap as the return gift. The woman happened to be the wife of a senior police officer and she knew her duty well! The slap still resounds in Trisha's ears, but who cares!
There are some who have a deaf ear and must say Trisha is definitely one of them. She would not just learn from her experiences. Why should she, when success has put her right on the pinnacle. Intoxicating success has drowned many in the past. But how do we justify for those sensible enough to realize their mistakes, but unwilling to rectify them?
Vishal, the unlucky hero of Sathyam was the scapegoat, when during a night party, our sensuously dressed Trisha blew away all notions of what is socially acceptable. Under the influence of the spirits and spirited as she was, Vishal was doomed to be at the receiving end. Vishal who had plans to cast Shreya in his next venture was threatened and abused by Trisha and had to give in. However the actor has not made any official announcements till date. With the entry of none other than Nayantara, the hero was caught between the devil and deep sea. What ensued then was a deadly battle of words, discarding decency whatsoever.
Love never dies and first love will remain forever. No wonder that Nayantara who caught a glimpse of Simbu on TV mounted up the table and planted many hot kisses on the insensate idiot box. Hope Simbu received the kisses and has made plans to get back to his lady love, who is out to ruin her life. Soon the battlefield cleared and Vishal the Gentleman had to drag the ladies into his car.
It is time our movie makers decided to switch roles and give women their due. Who knows they may be far better performers than their male counterparts when it comes to essaying drunkard roles. Truly Trisha would have no contenders. All you heroes watch out...