Kamal and Mohanlal will be seen together in Thalaivan Irukkiran, a redo of A Wednesday, a Hindi film. Kamal was recently spotted discussing the script and final schedules of the movie with Mohanlal which is being produced by Rajkamal productions and said to be directed by Chakri, an ad film maker based in US. The film will be shot both in Tamil and Telugu with Venkatesh taking Mohanlal’s place in the Telugu version.
The highlight of the movie is that it will have no women characters, except that of a TV anchor. Three names figure in the probable list, ‘Mirchi’ Suchitra, Veejay Pooja of SS music fame and Mallika Sherawat. Wonder who the lucky one is! Shooting will start from March 9 in Chennai and Mohanlal will join the crew on March 23. Later the Telugu version will be shot in Hyderabad. The film is expected to be shot in a relatively short span of time and make it to theatres by July