Popular Tamil actor Arya (a Malayalee from Kasargod) is now pinning his hopes on the much-anticipated Tamil magnum opus Naan Kadavul (I am God) by director Bala. He is also to make his first appearance in Malayalam in Casanova, a Rosshan Andrews film with superstar Mohanlal in the lead.The pooja of Casanova took place on Saturday (January 24) at Confidante Cascade, Bangalore, a resort run by the producer Dr. Roy C.J. It was attended by Jagathy Sreekumar, Lalu Alex, Lakshmi Rai, Priyanka, Priyadarshan, Joshy, Sibi Malayil, producers Suresh Kumar, P.V Gangadharan and Antony Perumbavoor.Rosshan Andrews, maker of super hits Udayananu Tharam (remade in Tamil as Vellithira) and Notebook, has been working on this script for the last two years along with its writers Sanjay and Bobby. "After reading the script, Arya was very eager to do the film with Mohanlal. This action, romantic thriller revolves around a Casanova (Mohanlal) who believes that love can cure crime," Rosshan Andrews was quoted as saying. Arya has given 40 days call sheet to shoot the film in April and May.The film has five heroines including Lakshmi Rai. Major portions will be shot in Vienna and other European locations from April 10. R. Divakaran wields the camera while Alex Paul sets music. The action scenes will be choreographed by Hollywood's stunt coordinator Franz Spilhaus of Flight in Phoneix, King Soloman's Mines, Avenger, Singh is Kinng and Drona fame. Produced under the banner of Confident Entertainment (India) Ltd. with a budget of Rs. 10 crore, Casanova will be Mohanlal's big 2009 Onam release on September 2.
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