The Nandi Film Awards 2007 were announced by the Andhra Pradesh Government on Monday. Hero Venkatesh bagged the best leading actor for his performance in Aadavari Matalaku Ardhale Verule (directed by Sri Raghava) while Charmme won the best female actor award for her raking role in the film Mantra. Mee Sreyobhilashi, starring Rajendra Prasad, won the best feature film award. Sekhar Kammula's Happy Days was adjudged the second best feature film award. The Best director award went to Krishnavamsi for the film Chandamama. Aadavari Matalaku Ardhale Verule won the best entertainer award.Jagapathi Babu bagged the best supporting actor award for Lakshyam, and Janaki was adjudged the best supporting female actor for her acting in Amulyam. Uttej's role in Chandamama won him the best comedian award and the award for female comedian went to Jhansi for her role in Thulasi. Bhumika Chawla and Ram Charan Tej won special jury Nandi awards. For his scores in Happy Days, Mickey J. Meyer won the best music director award. The jury adjudged Amulyam — the Priceless Gift as the best children's film. This movie was produced by the Children's Film Society of India.Master Roshan bagged the best child actor for his role in O Chinnari Korika and Baby Varshini the best child actor award for her role in the movie Amulyam. Chandrahaas produced by Mr G.K. Mohan won the best feature film on National integration.There were only two entries for the best educational film award which went to Good Bad Ugly directed by B. Premchand. Srinivasa Raju was adjudged the best art director for Chandamama, while the best lyric writer award went to Venigalla Rambabu for Mee Sreyobhilashi.Srinu Vaitla's screenplay for Dee won him the award for the best screenplay. Yamadonga won Mr Kotagiri Venkateshwara Rao the best editor award. Aahuthi Prasad won the best character award for Chandamama. Rama Rajamouli was adjudged the best costume designer for his work in Yamadonga. Ram and Lakshman jointly shared the award for the best fight master for Dee. Anaganaga oka Raa bagged the award for the best book on Telugu cinema while Mr Challa Srinivas was adjudged the best critic. The Nandi awards committee had received 47 applications for various categories.
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